The Knowle Society's March newsletter contains the following update for residents on Sainsbury's plans. Naturally, we share their concerns...
"As you will have heard, Sainsbury’s has designed a somewhat different scheme for its proposed store in Dorridge, which is an improvement on the previous one, but is still much bigger than it need be to serve Dorridge. It is clear that they intend to attract trade from some distance round, which will of course attract traffic, both shoppers and deliveries. It is the traffic issue that concerns us most as much of it (and all the lorries) will pass through the High Street and along Station Road. We have declared our grave concern to Sainsbury’s over the potential impact of the traffic on Knowle and on the length of Station Road and have asked them to revise their plans."
Leighton Jones. Knowle Society Newsletter, March 2011
I live the other side of the Railway Bridge and the residents this end of Dorridge are enternally grateful that it is too low for the height of the Sainsbury's lorries!